About Nickel Buddy, LLC
Founded in 2003, Nickel Buddy, LLC is a small US-based studio dedicated to producing high quality applications for mobile devices.
I started Nickel Buddy back when mobile app development was still in its infancy. The first devices that could run apps
had tiny little black and white screens, and very little memory. Apps had to be small, and very efficient, and I loved the challenge
of making something run on such limited devices. Someone once told me that putting games on a phone was
just a nonsense fad that wouldn't go anywhere. The growth I've seen since has been incredible, and it's been a pleasure to be involved
in this changing industry for over 20 years.
I make apps because I love bringing people together to share a simple game. I love providing a few moments of distraction when people need to unwind, or
take a break from a hectic day. I may not be changing the world, but I try to make my corner of it just a little bit brighter.
If you have comments or questions or problems with one of my apps, please send me email: info@nickelbuddy.com
Best, Mike CEO, Nickel Buddy, LLC
A little nonsense now and then, relished by the wisest men - Willy Wonka
Cribbage Club is a registered trademark of Nickel Buddy, LLC.